Tiger Spot Will Be Removed from MU’s Lowry Mall
May 14, 2012
Story Contact(s):
Christian Basi, BasiC@missouri.edu, 573-882-4430
COLUMBIA, Mo. — University of Missouri officials and artist Paul Jackson have reached an agreement to remove the Tiger Spot mosaic. The condition of the mosaic has deteriorated over the years, which has necessitated its removal.
Tiger Spot made its debut Oct. 12, 2001, on Lowry Mall on the MU campus. MU alumnus and artist Jackson created Tiger Spot, a circular mosaic measuring 30 feet in diameter. Numerous volunteers helped with the installation of the mosaic.
The university made several attempts to repair the mosaic; however, due to its continuing deterioration, a cover was placed over Tiger Spot in 2007. A dispute arose between Jackson and the university over the mosaic’s condition and the right to remove it, resulting in litigation. The university will pay Jackson $125,000 to dismiss the litigation, resolve all claims, relinquish his artist’s rights to the mosaic, and give the university the right to permanently remove the mosaic.
The future of the site will be assessed by the MU Art and Artifacts Committee, which will include representatives from MU Libraries and the Missouri Students Association.
Previously, donors for Tiger Spot were recognized with bricks bearing their names. University officials will contact these donors and discuss potential options to appropriately recognize their support for the university.