The News Bureau is the media relations office for the University of Missouri. The Office of the Registrar provides the information for the Deans' and Graduation Lists, which the News Bureau posts on our web site and sends to media. If you have any questions or concerns about the accuracy of the list, please contact your school or college. MU's schools and colleges.
- Nicholas Joseph Shatro
Bachelor of Science, Agribusiness Management-BS
- Lyndsey Michele Anderson
Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science, Nutritional Sciences-BSHES with an emphasis in Nutrition & Fitness - Jessica Ruth Davis
Master of Social Work, Social Work-MSW - Melissa Kay Fischer
Master of Science, Nursing-MS with an emphasis in Family Nurse Practitioner - Megan Leah Frost Smith
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nursing-BSN - Laura Shannon Griggs
Master of Music, Music-MM - Meredith L. Hackmann
Bachelor of Arts, International Studies-BA with an emphasis in European Studies
Certificate, Multicultural Certificate
Cum Laude - With Honors - Audrey Leann Harrison
Bachelor of Science, Animal Sciences-BS - Lillian Marie Hoell
Educational Specialist, Educatnl & Counslng Psych-EDSP with an emphasis in Counseling - William Derek Hux
Juris Doctor, Law-JD
Graduate Certificate, Dispute Resolution - Graduate Certificate - John Ryan Jacobs
Master of Accountancy, Accountancy-MACC
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Accountancy-BSACC
- Sz-Chyuan Lin
Master of Science, Computer Science-MS - Whitney Ann McCaulley
Master of Education, Learning, Teaching and Curriculum - MED with an emphasis in Learning & Instruction - James Edward McLaughlin
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering-BSME
Minor, Spanish-MI
Minor, Mathematics-MI - Claire E. Morris
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nursing-BSN - Samuel Sanford Smart
Master of Public Health, Public Health - MPH with an emphasis in Health Promotion and Policy - Blake Emery Walker
Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences-BS
Minor, Chemistry-MI
Holts Summit
- Lydia M. Funk
Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary-BA with an emphasis in Women's and Gender Studies
Bachelor of Arts, Music-BA - Heather LeAnn Mosley Linhardt
Doctor of Philosophy, Ed Leadrshp & Policy Anlys-PHD with an emphasis in Educational Policy Studies - Brian Thomas Nash
Bachelor of Arts, Biological Sciences-BA - Rachel A. Pattyson
Bachelor of Science in Education, Early Childhood Education-BSED
Magna Cum Laude - Danielle Kristen Scheppers
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering-BSIE - Shannon Lea Ann Sydow
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nursing-BSN
Cum Laude - Kendra R. Taylor
Bachelor of Arts, English-BA
Kingdom City
- Aleksandar Petrovic
Bachelor of Arts, International Studies-BA with an emphasis in International Business
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Internatnl Business Economics - Brittany Morgan Raney
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Management
Cum Laude
- Todd Allen Witt
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering-BSCIE
Honors Scholar
- Jennifer Anne Johnson
Master of Education, Learning, Teaching and Curriculum - MED with an emphasis in Learning & Instruction - Eric Allen Krampe
Bachelor of Science in Education, Secondary Education-BSED with an emphasis in Language Arts
Minor, English-MI
Magna Cum Laude - Doug Lee Schaefer
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Marketing
Cum Laude
Enrollment or Degree information for a University of Missouri student or alumni can be verified by contacting the National Student Clearinghouse at (703) 742-4200. Please note: Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, the University of Missouri cannot release confidential information from a student's academic record to anyone without the student's written permission (certain exceptions are noted here).