The News Bureau is the media relations office for the University of Missouri. The Office of the Registrar provides the information for the Deans' and Graduation Lists, which the News Bureau posts on our web site and sends to media. If you have any questions or concerns about the accuracy of the list, please contact your school or college. MU's schools and colleges.
- Tyler James Schaeffer Shoemaker
Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Systems Mngmnt-BS
Minor, Business-MI
La Plata
- Taylor Aldace Naughton
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering-BSEE
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering-BSCOE
Minor, East Asian Studies-MI
Minor, Mathematics-MI
- Alexandra Maria Blodgett
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Management - Nicholas J. Harrison
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine-DVM - Andrew Wayne Helton
Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Forestry-BSF with an emphasis in Forest Resource Management - Jennifer Lynne Iwanowicz
Bachelor of Health Science, Clinical Laboratory Scienc-BHS with an emphasis in Medical Technology
Cum Laude - James Matthew Schwieter
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering-BSME
Minor, Mathematics-MI - Emily Halley Seiner
Master of Social Work, Social Work-MSW - Jake Lolli Wyatt
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Marketing
Undergraduate Certificate, Sales and Customer Development-CRT
New Cambria
- Shannon Faye Boone
Bachelor of Health Science, Radiologic Sciences-BHS with an emphasis in Radiography - Susan Lindsey Kelso
Bachelor of Science, Plant Sciences-BS
Enrollment or Degree information for a University of Missouri student or alumni can be verified by contacting the National Student Clearinghouse at (703) 742-4200. Please note: Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, the University of Missouri cannot release confidential information from a student's academic record to anyone without the student's written permission (certain exceptions are noted here).